14.08.2018  Shanghai / China

First customized hair care e-brand

Schwarzkopf My Specialist offers new level of personalization

Welcome to the future! As the personalization megatrend is continuously growing, new Schwarzkopf My Specialist is the first customized hair care e-brand that is scientifically designed to meet every costumers’ individual hair needs – based on advanced microscopic testing. In an exclusive cooperation with Chinese online shopping site T-Mall, Schwarzkopf My Specialist Hair Analysis is moving with the times by entering the e-commerce sector, and offering high-performance personalized haircare products through a trend-setting shopping experience.

Customized for consumers’ needs, My Specialist Hair Analysis was developed by Henkel’s research and development experts, marketing teams and the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute – bringing together a breakthrough technology with a premium haircare and an advanced shopping experience. A specially generated dryness and damage evaluation system checks the consumer’s hair constitution and displays it on a 1 to 5 scale. To achieve a more profound result, consumers are requested to fill out an additional questionnaire that assists in determining the individual health of the scalp.

Kesinee Charoenchitpaisarn, Regional Marketing Director Schwarzkopf Hair Care Asia-Pacific, is delighted to present the pilot of the brand: “We want to stay on top of the personalization trend and grow our consumer relationships. We believe Schwarzkopf My Specialist will definitely improve the consumer experience and journey.”

A hyper-personalized hair care regimen

This is how My Specialist works exactly: Consumers can order the supply on the Schwarzkopf T-Mall page. After the first step is done, a hair envelop is provided by My Specialist, in which consumers can send their own hair samples to the My Specialist lab. Then it is time to start the Hair Analysis. The carefully developed system, which includes advanced microscopy that examines the structures of the hair surfaces, integrates six characterized aspects of hair – focusing on both newly growing parts of the hair and the already aging parts. The following six aspects of hair condition are examined: Cuticle array, cuticle lift-up, cortex exposure, cuticle damage, hair thinning and hair split. Low-, Medium- and High-Levels with clear definitions can be correlated with every single hair condition aspect. The consumers’ Hair Analysis rests upon these six aspects, which are explicitly outlined in the hair report.

Scientists working with My Specialist Hair Analysis recommend different product combinations for every consumer hair needs, based on the distinct hair and scalp data: High performance keratins, natural ingredients and vitamins are chosen to treat different hair conditions. Serine and shea butter help smoothing slightly damaged hair. For more severe hair damages, besides keratin, ginseng extract and arctium majus root extract are added. Consumers, who suffer from dandruff will receive a specially designed shampoo and leave-on treatment shots, in which anti-dandruff actives, anti-inflammatory agents and soothing extracts are combined to treat the hair as well as the scalp.

Based on the extensive hair analysis, personalized hair care products will be created. After approximately two weeks, consumers receive their customized high-performance hair care products: One supply includes a shampoo and nine power shots.

Schwarzkopf My Specialist was recently launched in China.

Nicola Surholt Consumer Brands Media Relations Headquarters, Düsseldorf/Germany +49-211-797-1637 nicola.surholt@henkel.com Pobierz wizytówkę Dodaj do ulubionych